Money with good hearts is good.
Why should good-hearted people also earn and hold money?
If there was ever a time when people with pure hearts needed to earn a lot of money it is now. There is so much positive impact that can come through money. My spiritual guide Rev. Daaji goes on to actually say that it is the duty of those good-hearted souls, who have the means, to earn a lot of money and put it to good use. He goes on to say the world needs more and more such people who can create a lot of positive impact with the money they earn.
There seems to be a paradox here. Good people are supposed to live contended lives and practice "Santosha" (ie being satisfied with whatever one has); then is this not an effort in the opposite direction?
If the efforts were only for satisfying one's own desires then perhaps it would be contrary to the principles of "Santosha" but here you are fulfilling a duty to serve the society. You act like a Trustee of the wealth that is generated through your efforts. You actually become a karma yogi and help your path of evolution. To excel in your endeavors you will automatically be pushed to develop personal mastery or, in terms of Bhagwad Gita vocabulary, "Yogaha Karma Sukaushalam" and an attitude of surrender to the Supreme.
The We Cannot Defer Action initiative @ not only creates awareness, learning, upskilling, and taking action opportunities but also encourages people to start and scale their own impact businesses. All its engagement programs also offer heartfulness meditative tools for inner transformation. On one side people are empowered to earn more money and on the other hand, also enhance their inner purity.